




2005-9至2008-12, 兰州大学, 应用数学, 理学博士

2002-9至2005-6, 兰州交通大学, 运筹学与控制论, 理学硕士

1990-9至1994-7, 西北师范大学, 数学, 学士


2018-12至现在, 金沙js6666登录入口, 金沙js6666, 教授

2014-5至2018-12, 兰州交通大学, 数理学院, 教授

2012-11至2013-12, 加拿大麦克马斯特大学, 统计系, 访问学者

2011-8至2011-12, 美国衣阿华州立大学, 统计系, 访问学者

2009-3至2014-4, 兰州交通大学, 数理学院, 副教授

1994-07至2009-2, 兰州交通大学, 数理学院, , 助教,讲师


1. 海南省自然科学基金: 基于一般单调关联系统失效时存活元件的条件间隔及其性质,2024-03至2027-02,主持,在研

2. 国家自然科学基金:基于冗余技术的单调关联系统可靠性优化及参数估计研究,72161009,2022-01至2025-12,主持,在研


4.国家自然科学基金:单调关联系统在多监控下剩余寿命和休止时间随机性质的研究,11161028, 2012-01至2015-12,主持,已结题

5.海南省自然科学基金: 基于串联系统的条件间隔及其随机、统计性质2022-04至2025-03,主持,在研



8.甘肃省自然科学基金:双控下n中取k系统剩余寿命和休止时间的序性质,1010RJZA076, 2010.01-2012.12,主持,已结题

9.甘肃省统计局招标课题:经济增长的基本途径及支撑要素研究, GSJPB002,2011,主持,已结题

10.国家统计局规划项目:甘肃省财政支出绩效评价体系及实证分析, 2010,参与,已结题,


(30) Zhang, Zhengcheng, yapping cheng, 基于串联系统的条件间隔的随机性质Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2024. Accepted.

 (29) Zhengcheng Zhang, Yonghong Yang, N. Balakrishnan; On conditional spacings from heterogeneous exponential random variables, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 2024. Accepted. 

(28) Zhang, Zhengcheng, N. Balakrishnan,Zhao ziying; On conditional spacings and their properties under coherent system setting,Statistics, 2024,58(1), 194–208. 

(27) Tie li, zhengcheng zhang*;  Generalized conditional spacings and their stochastic properties, AIMS Mathematics, 2024,9(9): 23909–23923.

(26) Yang yonghong, Zhang zhengcheng*; Comparisons of the largest order statistics under General Exponential Pareto Distribution, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2024 ,40(3): 365−377. 

(25) Zhang zhengcheng; Yang luyi, Yang yonghong;  The conditional spacings and their stochastic properties, Statistics & Probability Letters 186, July 2022, 109466. 

(24) Zhang zhengcheng; Yang yonghong; Li danqin ; Estimation of Parameters for Load-Sharing Parallel Systems under Exponential Pareto Distribution, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability, 2022,236(2) :248-255.

(23) Zhengcheng Zhang; Yonghong Yang; Xiujie Ji ; On stochastic behaviors of load-sharing para llel systems, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2020, 49(22): 5392-5405.

(22) XIONG Wenjie; ZHANG Zhengchen* The Number of Working Components in a Conditional Coherent Failed System, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 2020, Vol. 36 , Issue (2) : 151-161. 

(21) Zhengcheng Zhang, Yonghong Yang, Zhitu Guo, Reliability Analysis for a Repairable Load Sharing Parallel SystemProceedings of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation Technologies and Applications (MMSTA 2019).

(20) Jiuhong WEN, Zhengcheng ZHANG, Binxia JIA. Mixture Representation of Residual Lifetimes of Living Components in Failed Coherent Systems,Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications, 2018, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 207-220.

(19) Jiang yuxia, Zhengcheng ZHANG, Order Properties of Conditional Warm Standby System at Random Time, 3rd International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2017.08.18-2017.08.20.

(18) Zhang zhengcheng; N. Balakrishnan ; Stochastic Properties and Parameter Estimation for a General Load-Sharing System, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017, 46(2): 747- 760. 

(17) Zhang, Zhengcheng, N. Balakrishnan ; Representations of the inactivity time for coherent systems with heterogeneous components and some ordered properties, Metrika, 2016, 79(1): 113-126. 

(16) Zhengcheng Zhang,N. Balakrishnan,Representations for reliability functions of conditional

coherent systems with INID components and ordered properties,Journal of Systems Engineering

and Electronics,2015,26(6): 1316-1324.

(15) Zhengcheng Zhang*,Limin Zhang ,Further Results on Dynamic Additive Hazard Rate

 Model ,Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, pp 1-5, 2014.

(14) Zhang, Zhengcheng; William Q. Meeker ; The Residual Lifetime of Surviving Components from Failed Coherent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2014, 63(2): 534-542. 

(13) Li  Xiaohu,Wu Yudan, Zhengcheng Zhang*. On allocation of general standby redundancy to series and parallel systems. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013,42: 4056–4069.     

(12) M. Kelkin Nama, M. Asadi,Zhengcheng Zhang.  On the residual lifelengths of the

remaining components in a coherent system,Metrika, 2013 October 2013, Volume 76, Issue7, pp 979-996.    

(11) Zhengcheng Zhang, WILLIAM Q. MEEKER . Mixture Representations of Reliability in Coherent Systems and Preservation Results Under Double Monitoring Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation, Volume 42, Issue 3, 2013, 385-397.

(10) Xingdong Li, Zhengcheng Zhang。 A time series forecasting based on ARIMA for Minqin value of output related to water resources ,Geomatics for Integrated Water Resources Management (GIWRM), 2012 International Symposium on 2012 , Page(s): 1 – 4.

(9) zhang zhengcheng,liu haizhong. Aging Properties of the Remaining Components of

n − k +1 out of n Systems,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 544 (2012) pp 262-267.

(8) Zhang  Zhengcheng.  Ordering new conditional residual lifetimes of k-out-of-n systems. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2011,40(9):1591 – 1600. 

(7) Zhang  Zhengcheng, chang yingxiang.  MRL and MPL Functions of Parallel Systems With INID Components under Double Monitoring. Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation , 2011, 40:1514–1523.

(6) Zhang Zhengcheng.  Ordering  conditional general system with exchangeable  components.  Journal of statistical planning and inference 2010, 140(2):454-460. (Citation volume 141 times)

(5) Zhang  Zhengcheng, Yang  Yonghong. Ordered properties on the  residual life and inactivity time of (n-k+1)-out-of-n systems under double monitoring. Statistics and Probability Letters, 2010, 80(7-8):711-717.

(4) Zhang  Zhengcheng.  Mixture representations of inactivity times of conditional coherent systems and their  applications.  Journal of Applied Probability, 2010, 47(3):876-885.

(3) Zhang  Zhengcheng, Li  Xiaohu.  Some new results on stochastic orders and aging properties of coherent systems.  IEEE Transactions on Reliability 2010, 59(4)718-724. 

(2) Li  Xiaohu,Zhengcheng Zhang, Wu Yudan. Some new results involving general standby

systems. Applied stochastic models in business and industry 2009,  25(5):632–642.

(1) Li  Xiaohu,Zhengcheng Zhang*. Some stochastic comparisons of conditional coherent systems.  Applied stochastic models in business and industry 2008, 24(6):541-549. (Citation volume 97 times).